Sunday, March 25, 2012

Don't you wish you were eating with us tonight?

After two weeks of only minimal cooking (and sometimes less than that), I'm finally feeling like I'm rejoining the living. and we're having a leftover cleanup night. I'm about to:

  • Try to reduce the chicken pasta red sauce that was way too thin
  • Throw together some rice patties (my first ever) from the leftovers of last night's Chinese takeout
  • Heat up the glazed ham steaks.

Should be interesting, though probably more so in the abstract than on the plate.

I'll let you know. Unless I decide I just can't talk about it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I don't mean to be so boring

Sorry for the long periods of dreary dullness, but the fuzzy parts of my mind that are conscious are pretty much absorbed with thoughts of inhalers and pills and cough syrups and nasal sprays, and their corresponding schedules. Seriously, I don't know why what should have been a plain old cold has wiped me out so completely, but it has. Either that or I was silently struck stupid and limp sometime last week and just haven't realized it yet.

Today I have two main goals. Well, three. First, to sort the giant pile of dirty clothes piling up in the hamper before there's an avalanche in the bathroom. Second, to arrange a meeting later in the week with a couple of people I'm hoping will take on the Logistics Committee for the Southlake Chamber Oktoberfest*, thereby removing it from my plate.

The third is to get to the end of the day feeling healthy enough to go to the Stars game tonight. Stop thinking that. Stop it! It's not what you think. It's not just that I can't stand to miss a game. I had decided last night I would tell Rich I didn't want to go, and find someone to use our tickets, when I saw that tonight is Kari Lehtonen Bobblehead Night. We have to go. I've mentioned the bobbleheads before. The only way to get them is to go through the doors at American Airlines Center before game time and show the people just inside your ticket. They mark through the barcode and hand you a bobblehead. That's the only way! And we have all the others! If we don't get this one, our set won't be complete! We have no choice, I tell you!

Okay, so we do have a choice, but I really want that bobblehead, so we'll be going.

One set of our bobbleheads are still boxed up, waiting for a place to live (when Rich has a real office set up, I guess). The other set resides on one of the high Elfa shelves above my computer. I'll post a picture when the set is complete. It's pretty cool, if you're kind of a rabid Dallas Stars fan.

I hope this rainy Tuesday is going well for those of you who aren't insane. Please…wish me luck anyway.

*I did Logistics last year. I'm co-chairing the event this year and, yes, it was stupid to agree to that. I had good reasons, I'm sure I did, but they seem faded and far away right now. I'm getting pretty desperate to get all the committee chair positions filled, and I'm afraid people are going to start ducking my phone calls. (They shouldn't; I'm promising them some pretty good stuff….)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'b sick

I woke up in the wee hours Sunday morning with a scratchy throat and cough. I couldn't go back to sleep, and since then haven't really done much more than doze off before my coughing wakes me up. (This situation is about to improve, however. I got a prescription for the Magic Elixir of Life, Sleep and Everything, aka cough medicine with codeine. Better living through chemistry. PiƱa Colada-flavored chemistry.)

Anyway…since I can't really think of anything to blog about except how congested I am, the best I'm going to be able to do is a bunch of little snippets. Tidbits. Okay, a file of notes about things I could have possibly blogged about someday, if I had really put my mind to it. But my mind seems to be preoccupied with…let's call it mucus.

So here are a bunch of unrelated snippet-paragraph-bits. Then I'm going back to bed.

  • Whenever I cough or sneeze, Izzy, our Siamese mix, chitters in response. We used to have a cat who'd meow once whenever anybody sneezed, as if she were saying, "Bless you," but Izzy just seems annoyed by the noise. If I do it too many times, she gets up and leaves the room, chittering to herself.
  • Meaningful, inspirational quotes are only good in short doses, then they start to cloy. Going through a file of quotations I've collected myself, I realized that if you read too many of them they just sound corny.
  • Things I hate: Droopy socks. Dark or black backgrounds on websites. Bad grammar—not the really esoteric, nobody-really-knows-the-rule kind of things, but the obvious things that everybody who made it out of elementary school ought to know. "You should have went with us." Wrong. "Al don't care." Wrong. Any sentence involving the word "ain't." Wrong and very annoying, too.
  • Things I'm grateful for: My friend, Jason, of First National Bank Town Square. He suggested an alternative to a depressing financial situation we were facing a few months ago, and I owe him big time (figuratively). He handed me an option that's going to so improve the quality of my life! They're great people over there, so if you're in the Southlake area, really, give them a try. My friend Jean, of Keener Financial Planning, who just retweeted, forwarded and posted on Facebook to help out a business colleague launching a new career. I have to say, both personally and professionally, she's worth getting to know, on so many levels. If you're ever thinking of working with a financial planner, absolutely give her a call!
  • Don't feed a cat mushrooms. Mind you, I'm basing this on one elderly cat with many digestive problems, but I don't think feline digestion and mushrooms are quite compatible. This elderly cat would eat them, eagerly, but half an hour later they'd reappear, absolutely unchanged. That can't be good.
  • I don't know how unusual this is, but neither Rich nor I have a "side of the bed." Of course, we don't switch back and forth at home; we each have our own pillows, nightstands, books, etc. But when we travel, we're content to sleep on whichever side we end up on (usually determined by who puts their stuff down first). We even switched sides between our old house in S.A. and our house here.
  • I do, however, have a "side of the booth" in a restaurant. My right hand has to be to the outside, and I could not explain why if my life depended on it. It just does, and I'm actually a little uncomfortable if I have to sit on the other side. (Compulsion much?)
  • One little tiny NHL note in an otherwise hockey-free post: Anaheim Ducks goalie Jonas Hiller's helmet really and truly looks like it's covered in satin. Fancy! 
  • I was forced to admit some years ago that burp humor makes me laugh. I laugh against my will, but I still laugh. Hard. And I'm so not proud of it. Tim Allen does a routine that leaves me with tears running down my face. Please don't tell anyone.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'll get back to you when I'm feeling human again.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Great googly moogly!

My friend Joe keeps saying that I need to go to work for the Dallas Stars. I keep telling him that they already have a lot of knowledgeable people doing a lot of different things, and I'm really not sure there's really a place in the organization for me. I mean, there's nothing I know more about than the people already there.

But I might be wrong.
