Monday, December 17, 2012

No more, 'kay? Oh yeah! And happy holidays.

Sometimes these days the phrase, "Enough is enough," stays in the forefront of my mind.

I stopped watching media coverage of the horror in Newtown within about twelve hours. We were never fortunate enough to have children, though I very badly wanted to, so I don't have a parent's perspective on the worst loss anyone could ever suffer. But because we were never fortunate enough to have children, I have an acute awareness of just how precious they are. I realize just what it is those families have lost.

And while it's trivial in the larger scheme of things (just making sure you know I haven't lost perspective), I'm also a hockey fan. Love my Dallas Stars. Love going to all the games. And the NHL is about to implode. They've lost half a season and both sides are taking irreversible action against the other. That particular fun, that particular "passion" is about to be gone, with ever-diminishing hope of reviving it.

The thing is, I can only think about the bad things that are happening for so long. The sadness and grief about the tragedy in Connecticut become overwhelming. The frustration and resentment about the NHL lockout grates, and doesn't do anything good for my blood pressure.

Plus I feel like I have an obligation to move along with this pretty great life I have. It is pretty great, and pretty cushy, despite some tough situations that are coming up: We have some family members who are a challenge to be around. Some old people whose health is declining. (I'm back to being afraid every time the phone rings. Sooner or later it will be that phone call.) Rich and I both have gone a very long time without work, and our financial situation is pretty grim at the moment. We have to come up with gifts, we have to pay taxes. And we're about to—again, as always, world without end amen—travel for the holidays.*

So I look at Twitter to get the latest updates. I watch the local news, and change the channel when they start repeating the same old information. I'm not going to get into (at least not right now) the debate about gun control, or reporters interviewing children, nor who's more at fault about the lockout or how they should #fireBettman. Maybe some other time.

For the moment, I'm focusing on the fact that things are good right now. Ten seconds from now it could be different, but right now everything's fine. And that'll have to do.

Yeah, I celebrate Christmas.
Happy holidays, everyone.

*We don't have to worry about the house being empty because we have a fantastic petsitter who very graciously moves in, with her significant other, while we're away.** But I can't help but worry about things here while we're far away. And it's just hard to be someone's houseguest for so long.

**No, you can't have her.