Monday, October 11, 2010


Yes, I know how long it's been.

I've spent a good portion of the day entering books into LibraryThing. It's a good, free to cheap way to keep your personal library organized. I have trouble keeping track sometimes, particularly with business books (not the ones I've read, but the ones in the queue) and knitting books (did I buy it or just want to buy it?), so I decided I needed to get organized. (If you saw how books are scattered on shelves throughout out house, you'd understand how I could lose track.) And as someone who's stood in a bookstore wondering if I've read a particular cozy, it seemed like a good—nay, great—idea to be able to access the info from my phone's web browser. I know I've read all the Southern Sisters mysteries because there aren't many of them, but I sometimes have trouble keeping track of those Chocoholic and Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom ones.

At the end of the day today, I know two things for sure:
  1. I seriously need some paying work.
  2. I have way too many lace knitting books. Frankly, I've learned that my attention span is not really going to permit me to knit anything recognizable as lace, so it's not something I pursue. Why do I have all these books?