Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Three things

Two things household, one thing hockey.

First, Rich has been in Germany for a few days, and will be home in another couple. He's in Friedrichshafen at a "hamfest," a gathering of amateur radio enthusiasts (yeah, nerds) where they buy and sell radio gear, go around looking at radio set ups, and hang out together, talking about radios. Not exactly a laugh a minute if you ask me, but he enjoys it.

He's also enjoying just being in Europe, since it's been a while. He used to go to Europe six or eight times a year and he misses traveling like that. He needed some time away from work (a little hard to find when you have a home office), so all in all this is a very good thing.

I oughta return the favor and bother him 'til he gets up.
It's not all that great for me, though, because Rich is naturally an early riser, which fits in well with our cats' schedule. When he's gone, Rocky spends half an hour every morning convincing me it's time to get up—by biting my hands if he can get to them, or walking all over me if he can't. They, cats and dogs, gradually start sleeping later as the days pass, but it takes a while. In the meantime, I get up way before I want to, stumble around feeding everybody, then collapse back into bed, hoping I can go back to sleep (I can't). I'll be glad when Rich is back to reclaim the breakfast shift.

That will also allow me to return to my normal routine of showering as soon as I get up (instead of stumbling around, etc.). That will reduce the frequency of my looking up from my computer and noticing that it's noon and I'm still in my pajamas.

Secondly, it's going to be 107° today. This should NOT be happening in June! It was like this last August, but not in June! What is August going to be like?!? I should be careful about complaining too much. My in-laws in Denver have been suffering through 100°+ weather for days (plus a few wildfires), and they're much less accustomed to it. But, seriously…it's June!

So I'm back to keeping the shades drawn, covering the glass in and around the doors, cranking up the thermostat, sitting under the ceiling fan with a cold drink, and only using the microwave to heat up whatever absolutely has to be hot for dinner. Huzzah! (Everybody, now: Come on, autumn!)

Thirdly, the hockey note. The Stars traded Mike Ribeiro a few days ago. He's been one of the mainstays of the team, though I haven't especially been a fan. (He sometimes gets too fussy and tries for the perfect shot, resulting in him fooling around and not taking a shot at all.) The fact that they traded him, though, has re-ignited all the Steve Ott trade rumors. Ott is my favorite player. Always has been. If he's traded, I'll not only be very depressed, I'll have to cancel out of the Southlake Chamber July luncheon, at which Stars President and CEO Jim Lites will be speaking. I'm the one who arranged that, and I'll be sitting at his table. Unless Ott gets traded, in which case, I'll be the one outside egging Jim Lites' car.

Anyway, there are reasons that Ott being traded is less likely than Ribeiro being traded, but it's hard not to dread it. Worry about it, even. Get a sinking feeling in my stomach every time I look at Twitter or Facebook (FB is where I learned about the Ribeiro trade).

So whether it happens or not, I'm experiencing the angst. Smart, no?

I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. And stay cool. Now, since it's almost noon I guess I'll go shower and get dressed.