The cousins' visit was fine. They seemed to have a good time. Their bedroom and bathroom were clean, which was all I promised! I did discover a (literal) chink in the new shower door's caulking when I cleaned it prior to their arrival. There was a gap in the bottom caulking, and after running the shower for a minute, we had a little fountain over the edge of the tub. It was up against the wall beside the toilet, in the same place that, a couple of years ago, a leaky fill line sent water under the wall into my office. For days. Maybe weeks. Until I stepped in exactly the right spot and felt the squish.
Fortunately, this time I heard the water running and saw the leak before it spread. It was too late to do anything about it before the cousins got here, but after they left and it dried out, I caulked the heck out of it. As you can see above, I've had all I need of ripping out moldy carpet and soggy padding.
So the only water problem I have to deal with is in the pool, which is empty right now. We had a chemical imbalance that couldn't be fixed, so yesterday we drained the pool (all 20,000 gallons) and today we're refilling. And in a few weeks, we'll be paying the water bill. And paying and paying and paying. An empty pool is kind of cool-looking, though!
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