First, Mike
Modano & Marty
Turco. Good on 'em both for finding jobs! Rich and I are bi

Turco fans, so we're happy he'll be playing for Chicago. I think he's as good as he ever was, and just wasn't getting something here in Dallas — support from defense, coaching [my guess],
something — that he needed. Good luck, Marty! We'll be cheering for you, though not for the rest of the
Blackhawks and not for you to, you know, actually
win, when you play the Stars.
Modano…I'm okay with him playing for Detroit. Perfectly fine with it, as long as he plays well enough to not embarrass himself. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan, though I admire him well enough. I just don't think he's that great anymore. He's
good, certainly, but not
great. And I hope he retires some time before that becomes painfully obvious. And, really, I don't see how he
can play again, after that big sendoff he got last season. I'm guessing the next one, when he really
does retire, isn't going to be that big a deal.
As for the auction of the Rangers, I'd kind of like to see the team go to the Nolan Ryan group, just because I believe they have the franchise's best interest at heart. Who knows what Mark Cuban has at heart, besides the spirit of a spoiled 14-year-old. But I'm okay with Cuban as part owner…of the Rangers.
Not the Stars.
Please, God!And, finally, this little gem. The
Unclutterer blog (notice the link to your left, there) sets aside Wednesdays to showcase a
Unitasker, those ridiculous items that only do one thing (the kitchen is especially prone toward them, though they can appear anywhere in the house). Today it featured the
Daddle. You need to see it for yourself. Be absolutely sure, though, to read the
customer reviews!
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