Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Now their wi-fi connection isn't working...

...So I couldn't blog at Central Market at all! (And you'll notice I finally got rid of the "I Have..." title thing. Oh well.)

So I'm back in my office, trying to keep from being too bummed. Rich hasn't been out of work for long (he's actually still officially on the payroll for another three weeks), but is quickly sinking into...something. Not depression, exactly, because he seems pretty much okay. A little stressed, but not too bad. But I'm having to persuade him to shower, which is not good. And AmEx sent me an email saying they've lowered the credit limit on my business card, and I don't know why. Not that I need it to be really high, usually, but that's probably just an indication of my credit, and that also isn't good. Everything we talked about at Not-Net-Net this morning was depressing. Debbie's father's Alzheimer's. Property taxes and mortgages, and how the inflated home values in Tarrant County probably won't come back down to real-life levels for a couple of years. Losing business, the depressed real estate market. How it sucks being an adult.

So now I'm working on being determined and moving forward instead of deciding that it's five o'clock somewhere and Happy Hour is starting now.

I'll let you know how that goes.

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