Monday, July 30, 2012

Now I'm sad

My sister Linda and her husband Al came to visit for a long weekend (lots of fun!), and just left this morning. I'm getting together with the whole Not-Net group this evening. Well, we are, actually, since our significant others are also invited. It's a reunion of sorts, since Dorothy is back in town for a few days, so the whole gang of five is here. But it's also a going-away, too, since Dorothy actually came back to help Linda* and her family pack up what they're moving and sell off what they're not. They're moving to California, which is good news for them, except that Linda will miss us! And Dorothy will be going back to San Antonio.

Which leaves Rich and me alone in our house, and just Debbie, Barry and myself to keep Not-Net going. Will we manage (the Not-Net part)? Will we keep going? We'll see.

In the meantime, it's a pretty lonely day!

*That's friend Linda, as opposed to sister Linda. It gets complicated.

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