And you thought I was going to forget! (Again.)
Today I'm grateful that my little Bidula is doing much, much better. We have one more appointment for sub-q fluids, on Saturday, which will be her seventh appointment in thirteen days, and every penny I've billed this month will just about cover her vet bills, but she's
much better.
And, really, I can't tell you how thankful I am for that!
She's on a special
kind-to-the-kidneys diet now, so now the three cats eat three different foods in, of course, three different rooms. And Rocky has been trying to make me lose my mind, resisting that. He's all affectionate in between feedings, but come time to coax him out of the kitchen and into the master bathroom to eat, he disappears.
Rocky, not hiding from me at mealtime. Yes, they DO look alike. |
Well, he
did, at least. He's finally starting to understand that we're not actually planning to kill him once we get him in there (that
must be what he thought, judging by the way he was acting). So we're getting back into a routine, and Biddy is feeling better and acting like her old self.

whew! And thank God!*
*And thank Garry O'Neal of Golden Triangle Animal Hospital, for his expertise and kindness. Both he and Steve Ruffner are great, and everyone even remotely near GTAH should take their animals to them. Seriously.
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