Tuesday, November 5, 2013

And speaking of cats…

Does anybody else have a cat who loves plants? I mean, "loves" as in to eat? Rocky, who started out as about the saddest of all our hard luck cases, can't get enough plant matter. If I don't feed him some kind of greenery fairly regularly, he chews on the house plants. Every now and then, like this morning, I walk into the master bathroom and discover my windowsill African violet and orchid farm looks like it's been ravaged. Rocky…!

Cats are true carnivores, eating only meat, and needing the quantity of protein that comes from eating only meat. (Dogs, on the other hand, are omnivores like us, and can't survive on nothing but meat. They'll get rickets and such.) But I've read that big cats who hunt herbivores (antelopes, zebras, dik-diks, whatever) often eat the contents of their prey's stomach, sort of like having a salad with your meal. (Honestly, that's actually how the article described it.)

I can't swear to that, but I can tell you that at least this one housecat loves his greens. A little while ago, I was separating the not-so-fresh green onions from the perfectly-useable green onions, and Rocky was absolutely incensed that I wouldn't give him any. You can't give cats (or dogs) onions, they're toxic. Finally, though, I had to grab some lettuce and a couple of spinach leaves from the fridge, so he'd calm down. He ate it all.

I realize he's quirky, but how big a freak is this little guy? Anybody?

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