Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's a new day

So where were we?

Sorry, again, for the long silence; I've had some technical difficulties these last few weeks. My little Dell Inspiron 910 (cutest little computer you've ever seen) was acting crazy and it took a while to get a handle on things. Not that you care, but I ended up having to repartition the hard drive and reinstall the operating system, and doing repair work on Linux is not exactly intuitive for someone who's used Macs for twenty years. But we learn and move on. Having problems with my little Linux machine tends to bollux up my blogging, because I meet some people at Central Market in Southlake every Wednesday morning for breakfast. After they leave, I get out the little netbook and blog. That's the time I have set aside for it and when the netbook isn't cooperating, it gums up the works.

But anyway...since we last spoke, we lost a cat (very hard), had a yard sale (very hot), and Rich went to Denver for a week (very...okay, I can't think of an "h" word that makes sense). I finished one helmet liner and continue working on another. I went to a Rangers game (really fun!) courtesy of Shea & McMurdie, clients and networking friends (Hi, Scott) who were nice enough to include us in their client appreciation night. BTW, the Odyssey OneSource suite at The Ballpark is beautiful!

I'm seriously trying to get back in the swing of business things. It was kind of hard for a while after we found out Rich was being laid off, hard to promote business or network with any kind of enthusiasm. In the back of my mind I kept thinking, "We may be living halfway around the world in six months. Why bother?" But I think I've gotten over it, and I'm getting back up to speed. So, in keeping with that, I'm going to blog more often for a while. Maybe...every day for a week. Promise. Then, you know, we'll see after that.

But for now, I have to get over to the Global Group in Fort Worth for a thing at 10am. Then back to work. See you tomorrow

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