Thursday, June 2, 2011

On this day in history…

  • Johnny Weissmuller was born. (He was Tarzan.)
  • So were Dana Carvey, Stacy Keach, Jerry Mathers, Sally Kellerman & the Marquis de Sade. (Well, everybody has a birthday, after all.)
  • Queen Elizabeth II was crowned.
  • Timothy McVeigh was found guilty of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168.
  • Lou Gehrig died. So did Leslie Howard (Ashley Wilkes in Gone With the Wind).
  • The Tiananmen Square protest happened. (I've been to Tiananmen Square. It's huge, the largest city square in the world—444,000 square meters. And there's that big honkin' portrait of Mao at the gate to the Forbidden City.)
My admirable father-in-law, Joe, was born on June 1st, which means his birthday was yesterday. Which means we really should have called him last night. Oops. And my ex-step-niece, the also admirable Rebekah, has a birthday tomorrow. So, really, I'm not sure why I even brought it up today.

The month is bringing some changes for me, personally, though. I'm trying out a different approach. More about that later. (Yeah, I know, I keep saying that. But I'm in SUP [Specific Use Permit] hell right now, and I have to go stand in front of a few desks today to get applications, forms, letters and other paperwork done so it can go before the Planning & Zoning Board at their next meeting. Yawn? You have no idea.)

It'll get better. Promise!

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