Friday, February 6, 2009

I have a lot to do today.

We're getting ready to have company. I've long maintained that having guests is a very good thing -- otherwise the soap dishes would never get cleaned.

Lately, though, DH and I have both been stuck in an unfinished project cycle. Besides the normal chaos in our house and yard, we've both started some fairly major projects that got bogged down, and we...uh...put them on the back burner. Let them simmer, so to speak. Okay, we got tired of them. All the UFP (unfinished projects, as opposed to the knitter's UFO [objects]) would be only minor deals if it were our usual guests coming to visit. My immediate family comes to visit fairly regularly, and they're pretty gracious about the clutter. But the company that's coming this month is some cousins who might prefer to not have power tools in the guest bathroom.

So we're hustling to get a few things finished. Installing the shower door in the guest bathroom (hence the power tools), cleaning our the guest room closet (aka my knitting stash), fixing up Popeye's pen (that's another post altogether). And, of course, work and business do go on, meaning Rich goes to work and I have to act with some modicum of responsibility towards my customers and contractors.

So right now is the leading edge of a day that had better be busy.

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